IT Faculty Services

Roger Williams University IT provides a broad range of technology services for faculty, including email, wireless, computer and software support, and classroom and event support.

IT HelpDesk

Bridges, powered by Sakai, is an open-source course management system for creating web-based instructional materials.  Bridges offers the academic community a unified platform to manage courses, create e-portfolios, and collaborate on research, projects, and other university activities.

If you have questions or need further assistance, please email or call (401) 254-3187.

--CSALT² Instructional Design & Technologies

To request delivery or support, please visit the MediaTech portal.  To report a problem in a classroom, please call (401) 254-6363.

Classroom services include the acquisition, distribution, and maintenance of technology equipment in Roger Williams University classrooms.  The Information Technology department will deliver and set up equipment upon request from an instructor.  IT also provides orientation to installed technology systems in RWU rooms upon request.

  • Information about classrooms, including installed technology, is available in the Campus Calendar.
  • Equipment available for delivery includes Samsung display technology, laptops, projectors, audio recorders, cameras, document cameras, and portable PA systems.
  • IT also provides orientation to installed technology systems in RWU rooms upon request.

Event services include equipment setup and onsite support (limited).  Recording of special events or presentations can be arranged with one week’s notice.

For best service, request equipment at least 2 business days in advance and video services at least one week before the event.

Classroom and event support is not normally available on weekends.  Please submit requests for weekend services at least one week in advance.



Roger Williams University provides computer classrooms/labs across the academic buildings.  For more information, including room capacity, visit the campus calendar.  Hours of operation vary depending on class schedules.  RWU software offerings include Microsoft Office products along with course-specific offerings. 

Lab Locations (Bristol):

Mario J. Gabelli School of Business
SB 100 (PC)
SB 223 (PC)  

Marine and Natural Sciences Building
MNS 211 (MAC)  

School of Engineering, Computing and Construction Management
SE 206 (PC)  

Global Heritage Hall

Lab Locations (Providence):

Rooms 230, 343 and 347 (PC)


Information Technology provides remote or desk-side support to faculty and staff  related to University-owned desktops and laptops. These services include setup, maintenance and repair.

Faculty and staff may submit incidents and questions via the MediaTech portal or by calling the MediaTech desk at (401) 254-6363.  All routing of incidents takes place automatically to the appropriate support person.

To request computer equipment office moves, please fill out a service request at the MediaTech portal.  Please request departmental moves 1 month in advance and individual moves at least 3 days in advance to allow for scheduling of personnel.


Email and Calendaring for faculty, staff and administration is provided by Microsoft O365.

Access your email and other O365 apps online

For more information, visit our support portal

All service request and incident forms are available at the MediaTech portal.

Information Technology is excited to announce the deployment of a new tool for self-management of passwords!  ADSelfservice Plus is an easy-to-use, secure, web-based end-user password reset management solution.  This tool allows the RWU community to self-manage passwords and unlock accounts (Active Directory, O365 email, and Gmail) 24/7 without contacting the helpdesk.


To register for ADSelfservice Plus through the mobile app:

  1.  Download the "ManageEngine ADSelfServicePlus" from the Apple App or Google Play store
  2. Open the app and select "Server Settings"
  3. For server name, enter "".  For port, enter "443".  For protocol, select "HTTPS"
  4. Select "Save"
  5. Sign in using your Active Directory ("Bridges" or computer) password
  6. Follow the steps to register your account

To register for ADSelfservice Plus via the web, visit

1.       Click on User Registration

2.       Sign in using your Active Directory (“Bridges” or computer) password

3.       Follow the steps to register your account 

For more information, visit our support portal at MediaTech portal

If you have questions or need additional assistance, please contact the MediaTech helpdesk at 401-254-6363 or

To request an office phone or get support, visit the MediaTech portal.

To request access to a shared printer, please complete the following request form:

Shared Printer Request

Cloud computing is a strategy to provide collaboration, storage and access to applications from a centralized server. RWU Virtual Labs by Apporto provides virtual desktops, allowing students to log in 24/7 and access a customized desktop from their own computer.

RWU Virtual Labs

Faculty will use RogerCentral to review rosters, complete advising, submit grades, check pay advices, update banking and personal information, including emergency contacts and addresses.

Roger Central


Important Changes to the Adobe Creative Cloud suite of products:


There have been major changes to how Adobe licenses their products, moving to a “named-user model”. This requires active faculty and staff to log-in to the Adobe Creative Cloud. License keys are no longer available for use. IT will continue installing Adobe apps on faculty and staff computers, but users can log in to download, update, or uninstall apps themselves. Users are able to install and use the software from two computers.


The Adobe Creative Cloud Application can be downloaded or managed by logging in at the Adobe portal.

  • To sign in from the Adobe portal:
    • Click “Sign In” in the upper right corner
    • Enter your RWU email address and click “continue”
    • Select “Company or School Account”.
    • Log-in to your RWU secure portal page.
  • From the menu, install the Creative Cloud Desktop
  • Launch the Adobe Creative Cloud app from the system tray or the Programs/Applications menu to launch or install package offerings.

For a list of training resources at RWU, please visit the Technology Training page.


RWU provides wireless coverage across both the Bristol and Providence campuses for research, academics, and study.

For more information or assistance, visit the MediaTech portal.

Policies and Guides: